Islamic Calligraphy Part 9 - Flowing Writing
Selam Aleykum dear brothers and sisters :)
Although at the end of my last post I wrote then I am not writing about fonts, there is still one font. While this isn’t specifically calligraphic writing, I decided to mention it nonetheless, as it also has a calligraphic version. And this writing is the Ruq'ah.
(Riqqa - writing in Hungarian flowing) writing. His name reveals everything about him, for that, is what it is all the time flowing writing.

But this was not always the case. It was originally a variation of the forms of Diwan writing, and as such, it was also developed by Turkish calligraphers as a mixture of Diwan and Sijak writing. The writing itself clearly rests on a horizontal line from which some strong, steep vertical lines rising at a sharp angle stand out. Its characteristic is even that the ends of the letters are hook-like.
There is also a calligraphic version of this handwriting, which is accepted and used in almost all countries of the Eastern Arab world. But nonetheless, all the calligraphic writing that exists in calligraphy precedes, only now, the call of calligraphy made with this writing.
The (flowing) version is lowercase and can be written relatively quickly, so it was used for copying and making letters. However, more solemn style manuscripts were not copied with it (perhaps that is why the calligraphic version was not used either)
What is also important to mention, vowel signs have not been added to it, or only very rarely in some cases, I can give an example of this, here it is:
The Al-Asr Surah:

Maybe they weren't considered so sublime? Well, the two images so far were a calligraphic version of the Ruq'ah writing form.
There were also two types of (flowing) writing, the more concise, which were used the most. That was the general writing.
Let's look at an example.
The Al-Ikhlas Surah:

And there was a more elongated version of it, which perhaps if you can say was very rarely used. This was accepted and common. At the beginning of lines in headings, at the beginning of paragraphs, this kind of writing was sometimes seen.
Well, let's see after that :) Also the Al Ikhlas Surah:

With this, we have actually taken over the main versions of all the types of writing and next time we will really be talking about what I wrote in the previous section :)
Today I close my lines with this.
Allah bless you.
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